The Assassination of Hazrat Usman came out as a total surprise
After the assassination, the insurgents controlled Madina for a few days. They approached Hazrat Ali to be the new caliph
Hazrat Ali initially declined this offer but he was pressed to accept it. He decided to put the matter before the Muslim public in Masjid e Nabwi
Most of the companions considered him to be the most suitable
Some people accepted Hazrat Muawiya as the Caliph
Change of Governors:
Hazrat Ali had to stop the unrest and maintain discipline
The main allegation against Hazrat Usman was the appointment of incompetent governors. One of the major demands of the rebels was to change them
Hazrat Ali wanted to appoint his supporters as governors
The governors were changed but only 2 refused
Hazrat Muawiya refused to give up his position as he wanted to deal with the rebels first. Most companions had told Hazrat Ali not to change him as Syria was prosperous under him, Hazrat Muawiya also did not pledge allegiance to Hazrat Ali as the Caliph
Kufa was ruled by Abu Musa. The people of Kufa did not want to change Abu Musa as the governor and so he remained
Battle of Camel:
It was between Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Ayesha. This was due to the allegation against Hazrat Ali of not dealing with the assassins properly
Hazrat Talha and Zubair made a pledge with Hazrat Ali as they didn't want the caliphate to divide.
Hazrat Ali did not punish the assassins at first due to the lack of evidence. Once 10,000 people claimed to have murdered Hazrat Usman. He couldn't punish all of them
Hazrat Ayesha took control of Basra and defied Hazrat Ali. When both sides met at Basra, negotiations happened. Hazrat Talha and Zubair fled the battlefield due to the pledge they had made earlier. A negotiation was reached on both sides
When the rebels saw negotiations between the two sides, they decided to spoil the peace efforts by attacking both sides. This created a misunderstanding as both thought that they were being betrayed
Both Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Ayesha deployed their armies and full-scale war broke out
Hazrat Ayesha came out riding on the camel to stop the battle but people gathered around her and fought desperately
The camel's legs were cut and the war ended
10,000 people lost their lives in this battle
Hazrat Talha and Zubair were ruthlessly martyred by the rebels
Hazrat Ali treated Hazrat Ayesha with great respect and sent her away
Battle of Sifffin:
Fought between Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Ameer Muawiya in 657 AD
Hazrat Ali asked him to pay allegiance to him and step down from the governorship of Syria. Muawiya refused as he wanted Hazrat Ali to punish the assassins of Hazrat Uthman first
Hazrat Muawiya started the campaign to incite people against Hazrat Ali
A series of negotiations began which ended in failure
Eventually, Hazrat Ali had to take military action against Hazrat Muawiya with an army of 90,000 men and marched towards Syria
Muwiya collected 80,000 soldiers and both armies confronted at Siffin
On the evening of the last day of Muharram 37 AH, Hazrat Ali gave the orders to attack the Syrian forces
Hazrat Amare bin Yasir was killed. This de-motivated some of Muawiya's supporters as the Prophet (PBUH) prophesized:
Amar will be killed at the hands of rebels
But Hazrat Muawiya justified his actions by recalling that the Prophet (SAW) said:
My companions are like stars. Each one you follow will make you rightly guided
Hazrat Ali was forced to make arbitration. The war ended with 90,000 casualties
Hazrat Ali was martyred while praying in 661 AD. Many divisions in Islam emerged during his caliphate
The Caliphate under Hazrat Ali
Notes compiled in the Class of Nadeem Ahmed