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Articles of Faith: Prophets


Belief in All the Prophets sent by god starting from Adam to the Prophet(SAW).

The Quran says:

The messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his lord, and so do the believers. Each one believes in Allah, his angels, books and messengers

Muslims believe that some of these Prophets were Nabis/Prophets and others were Rasuls/Messengers

Every messenger was a Prophet but not every Prophet was a messenger.

Muslims believe that all the Prophets have outstanding qualities

All Prophets preached Islam and invited people to worship one god

They spoke in the language of their people, the Quran says:

Taught in the language of those to whom they were sent

They were normal human beings

None could be false to their mission (going astray from their message)

It is important to believe in all the Prophets and give respect to all of them.

All apostles were men chosen and favoured among a nation. had wives and children, ate food and "walked in the streets" (25:20)

The previous Prophets were sent for certain people for a certain length of time but the Prophet(SAW) was sent for the whole world and for all time till the day of judgement.

The teachings of the Other Prophets have either disappeared or have been altered. The teachings of the Prophet(SAW), his teachings, his sunnah, the book given to him, his morals, habits etc are all preserved in History

The Books revealed to the Prophets:

  1. Torah (Musa)

  2. Zaboor (Dawood)

  3. Injeel (Isa)

  4. Quran [Prophet (SAW)]

Finality of the Prophet (SAW):

A Muslim believes that the Prophet(SAW) is not only a messenger of Allah like all others before him, but he also the Khatum-ul-Nabiyyun (Seal of the Prophets)

Notes by Sir Nadeem Ahmed (2023), compiled by Rayyan Jamil Khan of Class X-T Karachi Grammar School - College Section

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