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Migration to Madina


Madina(Yathrib) before the arrival of Prophet(SAW):

  • Polytheists from the Aws and Khazraj tribes

  • Jews from Banu Qainuqua, Banu Nadeer and Banu Qurayza

  • Aws and Khazraj were rivals

  • Jews had shops in Madinah but primarily lived on the outskirts of Madina

  • Jewish tribes were allies of each other

  • Jews took advantage of the wars between Aws and Khazraj to earn profits and gain power

Conversion of people from Aws:

  • In the 11th year, 6 people from the Aws tribe accepted Islam

  • They heard from the Jews that a Prophet would come and then they would kill him

  • All the Previous Prophets were from Bani Israel

  • The Jews did not believe in Hazrat Isa

  • They thought they would join the last prophet from Bani Israel and then they would rule the whole world

  • To their disappointment, the last Prophet was from Bani Ismail and not Bani Israel

  • Jews were biased towards the Prophet(SAW)

  • Jews turned against the truth

  • When the people of Aws recognized the Prophet(SAW), they decided to convert and join him

  • The people's intentions were pure

Pledge of Medina:

  • In the 13th year, 73 converts came to meet the Prophet(SAW) and make a pledge including physically defending him

  • They invited him to be their leader in Madina

  • Most people in Madina accepted Islam

  • The people of Madina promised to defend the Prophet(SAW) as their leader in the city

Persecution and migration:

  • When the Quraish heard about the Pledge, they intensified persecution and put people in captivity

  • The Prophet(SAW) told Muslims to emigrate to Madina until there was no Muslim in Makkah except for Hazrat Ali, Abu Bakr, and a few other Muslims

  • After the Prophet(SAW) migrated to Madina, Islam spread much more rapidly than in the previous year

  • Hazrat Umer migrated openly

  • Hazrat Umm-e-Salmah could not migrate as her family stopped her and her husband's family took her child

  • Prophet(SAW)'s daughter(Hazrat Ruqaiyyah) was attacked by a dagger and she died 2-3 years later due to the wound

  • Abu Bakr made many sacrifices to make the journey comfortable for the Prophet(SAW)

  • Abdullah, the son of Abu Bakr, would bring them news from Makkah

  • Amir bin Fuqairah provided milk for the Prophet(SAW) and Abu Bakr through his sheep. His sheep would also cover up their tracks

  • Abdullah bin Uraiqat was a non-Muslim guide. He was hired by the Prophet(SAW) and Hazrat Abu Bakr. He took them through a different route to travel from Makkah to Medina

  • During the journey, Suraqa, from the warrior tribe, chased behind the Prophet(SAW) and Hazrat Abu Bakr. He caught up with them. The horse of Suraqa sank into the sand when he came near them. Whenever he drew lots, it always said not to pursue them. He did it 3 times. After the 3rd time, he abandoned his intention of catching him and requested the Prophet(SAW) to write a peace letter to him. Suraqa discouraged the Quraish to look for the Prophet(SAW)

In the first year of migration, The Makkans were called the Muhajireen and the Medinans Ansaars. People greeted the Prophet(SAW) when he arrived and he was offered to stay in every house

Notes are taken from the class of Miss Hina Owais (2022)


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