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Physical Jihad (Armed Warfare)

  • Jihad can be performed through Sword (Jihad bin Saif) or wealth (Jihad bin Maal)

  • Armed warfare (Jihad through Sword) is Fard-e-Kifaya, meaning it is an obligation on all of us, but if a few of us do it then the rest will not be penalized

  • It was made obligatory for Muslims on 2 AH, when the Quran said:

"Fight those who fight against you but do not transgress the limit"
  • Conditions of performing armed warfare include fighting only as a last option, in self-defense, when there is injustice or oppression, or to defend the Islamic territory or faith. It can also be performed when universal rules are violated, such as the killing of Ambassadors. For example, in the Battle of Mautah when Al Ghassani killed the messenger of the Prophet(SAW), Jihad was declared.

  • Rules of performing Jihad include not attacking civilians, places of worship, ill-treating prisoners of war, or compelling people to embrace Islam. The war should be limited to the area which is involved in war. It is not an excuse for open warfare all around the globe. Jihad should be openly declared by the authority/government. The Quran says:

"Let there be no compulsion in religion"
  • Physical Jihad is important and obligatory on all of us as a community, and can result in rewards from Allah including war booty or admission to paradise. The Prophet (SAW) said:

"He will be recompensated by Allah either with a reward, or war booty or will be admitted to paradise"
  • Jihad bin Maal (Jihad through wealth) is a voluntary act of worship that involves spending money on the way of Allah or to support the needy and poor in the society. It is also referred to as the Jihad through finances.

  • Both types of Jihad are important and play a role in supporting the cause and betterment of society.

Notes by Miss Ayesha Ahsan (2023), compiled by Rayyan Jamil Khan of Class X-T Karachi Grammar School - College Section

This topic is a part of the Islamiat CIE Paper 2

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