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The Pledge of Aqabah


11th year of Prophethood:

  • Prophet(ﷺ) preached Islam to people visiting Makkah

  • Prophet(ﷺ), Hazrat Ali, and Hazrat Abu Bakr encountered 6 men from the Aws tribe in the valley of Aqabah

  • These men converted and started preaching Islam in Madina

  • Soon, almost every house in Madina was interested in Islam

12th Year of Prophethood (First pledge):

  • 12 people from Madina declared their faith in Islam and pledged during Hajj

  • Musab bin Umair Al Abdari was sent as the first Muslim ambassador to Madina to teach the doctrines of Islam

13th Year of Prophethood:

  • Musab bin Umair returned and told the Prophet(SAW) that Madina was ready to serve Islam

  • 73 converts from Madina pledged to defend the Prophet(SAW) and invited him to Madina

Second Pledge of Aqabah:

  • 73 converts from Madina pledged to refrain from shirking, obey the Prophet in all situations, and defend him

The Quraish accepted Abu Jahals proposal to assassinate the Prophet(SAW) after they heard about this allegiance

Notes taken from the class of Miss Hina Owais (2022)



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