Babur (1st Emperor) :
Babur was a descendant of Genghis khan and Timur. Babur was a prince.His full name was Zahir ad din Muhammad Babur.In 1526, he defeated the Lodhi Muslim dynasty and conquered northern India during the battle of Panipat against Ibrahim Lodhi. Babur conquered most of the northern side of India in 4 years. He constructed gardens, built the foundations for the Mughal empire, and brought modern ammunition to India. New policies and crops for agriculture were introduced
Babur ruled from 1526 to 1530, he was replaced by his eldest son, Humayun
Humayun was not a capable leader and he indulged himself in opium and wine. Humayun was interested in studying astrology. An Afghan ruler(Sher Khan Suri) overthrew Humayun in 1539. After Sher Khan Suri died, his territory was divided. Humayun conquered most of Sher Khan Suri's divided empire by 1555. He died 1 year later. He was replaced by his son, Akbar
Akbar conquered most of India, including Gujarat, Malwa, Bengal, Kandahar, Kashmir, Sindh and Berar. Akbar supported Hindus and built a new religion called "din e Allahi", which never took off. He translated Hindu scripts into Persian. Many Hindus were included in the Government. Akbar lauded Sher Khan Suri's reforms and he built on them more. A mansabdari system was introduced. The mansabdars were appointed by Akbar and they provided soldiers. The mansabdars collected tax on behalf of the Mughals for soldiers. Akbar abolished additional taxes on Hindus." Akbar" is a title which means "great".Akbar was a great listener. He reverted to Islam in his final days.
He ruled from 1556 to 1605, and he was replaced by his son, Jahangir
Jahangir tried to conquer lands which failed. Jahangir tried to destroy the new religion of Sikhism. He captured Ahmadnagar. There were revolts in Deccan against the Mughals by many people, including the Maratha leader, Shivaji. The Sikhs also revolted against Jahangir. Jahangir brought and encouraged Persian culture to India. He signed a commercial treaty with the British
He ruled from 1605 to 1627, and he was replaced by his son Shah Jehan
Shah Jehan:
He built the Taj Mahal for his wife. He built a city called Shahjahanabad. He also built many mosques. He conquered parts of Deccan. There was great literary activity during his time. He started to get seriously ill and soon, his sons fought a civil war for the throne even though Shah Jehan was still alive. After he recovered, he was prisoned by his son Aurangzeb, until Shah Jehan died
He ruled from 1628-1658
Aurangzeb was considered very Pious and religious. He was extremely ambitious and wanted to rule the whole world. He killed all of his brothers including his nieces and nephews. He was intolerant toward other faiths. He built the Badshahi mosque and conquered Bijapur, Golconda, and the territories of Deccan. He destroyed Hindu architecture and started new taxes for Hindus
He ruled from 1658 to 1707 and he was the last Mughal emperor who had any real power
Map of The Mughal Empire at its greatest extent:

Notes by Miss Iram Caleb (2021), compiled by Rayyan Jamil Khan of Class IX-G Karachi Grammar School - Middle Section
This topic is a part of the Cambridge Pakistan Studies Paper 1