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Crops in Pakistan


Wheat, Maize, Rice, Cotton and Sugarcane make enormous profits for farmers

Wheat is all around us and is a staple food. Wheat is cultivated worldwide. Globally, it is the most important food grain

Wheat is used to making flour and wheat straw can be used as fodder for livestock as well as a construction material for roofing thatch. Wheat is also used in fermentation and baking

Most crops are grown in Punjab and Sindh

All about wheat!

Wheat seeds are sown directly into the ground after ploughing the field in winter. Wheat does not need a lot of water. Most of the farmers irrigate the field only twice. The first irrigation is done one month before sowing and the second one takes place one month before harvesting

Wheat is harvested after 3 months

If rain falls before harvesting, the wheat grain grows bigger as it swells

Kharif Crops!

The temperature to properly harvest Kharif crops (Cotton, Sugarcane, Rice) should be between 25 to 35 degrees.

Cotton requires 1000mm of rainfall, Sugarcane requires 1500mm of rainfall, and Rice requires 2000mm of rainfall. Flat land is required. The soil should be clayey, loamy

Rice Cultivation:

The seeds are sown in a nursery. The plant is grown till it is around 9 inches tall. The field is irrigated. The plants are then brought to the field from the nursery in batches.

At the time of harvesting the water is drained out


It has stout, jointed fibrous stalks that are rich in sugar and measure 2 to 6 meters tall. It is native to warm regions. Sugarcane is propagated from cuttings, not seeds. Each cutting must contain one bud and the cuttings are usually planted by hand

After each harvest, the cane sends up new stalks called ratoons. Usually. each successive harvest gives a smaller yield and eventually, the declining yields justify redacting. Depending on the agricultural practice, two to ten harvests may be possible between planting

Sugarcane can be grown in a variety of soils, it is tolerant to frost for a short period, it consumes a lot of nutrients and the application of fertilizers is used

Cotton farming process!

Sown 30-45 cm art in April/May. It is irrigated one month later and then irrigated again after a further 2 months. Cotton balls ripen in October and November. They reach a height of 135-150 cm

They are then picked and then loaded onto trucks and transported to Ginning Mills. There they are separated from lint. Cotton is tied up in bales for further processing

Cotton is a sensitive crop which can't tolerate frost.

It is mainly grown in Sindh and Punjab

Notes are taken from the class of Miss Sadia Ashraf (2021)


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