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Fall of the Khilafat movement


Hindu extremists tried to make the liberals in the INC, look bad as the liberals supported the Muslims and other minorities

These extremists wanted a pure Hindu state

After the failure of the Hijrat movement, Muslims lost support for the Khilafat movement

The British Government soon arrested Moulana Shoukat Ali and Moulana Mohammed Ali Johar

Gandhi stopped the Non-cooperation movement due to it becoming violent

Soon the Khilafat movement went on Decline as it lost support from both Muslims and Hindus

Muslim-Hindu unity was breaking due to Muslims being hunted by extremists

The new ruler of Turkey did not agree with the Khilafat movement and he abolished the Khilafat movement

The movement completely died out

Other Muslim states did not support the Indian Muslims at all

Notes are taken from the Class of Miss Iram Caleb (2022)


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