Population Density: Concentration of specific individuals within a specific geographic locale
Migration: Process of leaving one country or region to move to another
A country only has finite resources for its population. Every 10 years, the government counts person by person. This is incredibly expensive as many people are not legally registered in the national database
The population density in Pakistan is 287 people per km^2 (742 people per mile^2). Pakistan is in the top 10 most populated countries in the world. 35.1% of the Pakistani population is urban. The life expectancy is 67 years. For every 1000 babies born, 55 die.
Impact Of Overpopulation on the Economy:
Food Insecurity
The burden on Health Care
Shortage of Water
Electricity Crisis
Lack of Educational Institutions
Child Labour
Rise of Crime
The median age divides the population into two numerically equal groups. Half of the people are older, and half are younger, The median age in Pakistan is 22.8 years
Birth Rate: The term used to define the number of babies born every year per 1000 people in a population
Death Rate: Death rate is the term used to define the number of deaths every year per 1000 people in a population
Natural increase occurs in a population where Birth Rate is greater than the death rate. That is, that there are more births than deaths in that population in a year
Why does Death Rate decline:
Better Medical Facilities
Initiatives taken to bring diseases like malaria, cholera, typhoid and polio under control
Better Food Production
NGO's have worked a lot in health care. Alot of humanitarian effort has been done
High Population:
Pakistan is faced with over population. The population is too large to be supported by the available resources
There are early marriages, poverty and child labour. All of which cause an increase in Child Labour
How to reduce Population Growth:
Family Planning
Government and NGO's work together
Rising Family Planning awareness. This can be done through education, posters or videos
Ban on Child Labour
Increasing Literacy rate so that people understand population control's importance, and so that people stop depending on child labour
Delayed marriages so that there is a short reproductivity span
Creating employment so that income should be available for parents
Female education increase

Notes by Miss Maliha Ghazanfar (2023), compiled by Rayyan Jamil Khan of Class X-T Karachi Grammar School - College Section