He aimed to get Muslims to focus on the basic principles of Islam, resulting in a more united Muslim community.
He wanted to make Quranic teachings more accessible to the Muslims
He wanted Muslims in society to follow the key principles of Islam to improve their social conditions
He wanted to become a role model for other Muslims
He aimed to make all political, social, or economic attitudes based on these Islamic rules
Shah Walliullah wrote 51 books in Persian and Arabic
He educated Muslims of India to emancipate Muslim society from economic injustices and social biases.
A group of Ulema was trained under him to spread the true knowledge of Islam
To spread his school of thought, he opened many branches of his school in Delhi
The Quran was translated from Arabic to Persian by him
Due to his translation of the Quran into Persian, many more Muslims who did not speak Arabic were able to understand the Quran and learn its ideals
Due to his emphasis on fighting a common enemy under Jihad, Ahmed Shah of Persia and local Muslim leaders intervened and helped fight against the Marathas
His translation of the Quran was translated into Urdu after Persian by his sons.
His madrassa continued to flourish and teach Islamic ideals to Muslims
His teachings inspired Muslims to stay away from social vices

Notes Taken in the class of Miss Iram Caleb (2021)