In 1739, Nadir Shah of Persia attacked and looted Delhi, and all of the reputations of the Mughals had been finished
The Maratha empire also rebelled against the Mughal empire and frequently attacked the Mughals. The Mughal military started to decline. Soldiers rebelled due to the declining conditions
Corruption started to spread in the mansabdars and they did not send taxes to the royal treasury anymore. Therefore, the royal treasury soon became empty
In addition, the Mughals also faced a threat from Ahmed Shah Durrani of Afghanistan
In 1757, the Marathas conquered Delhi and the Mughals were now their tributaries. After the fall of the Marathas, the British East India Company ruled India
After the war of 1857, the Mughal Empire was finally dismantled. Mughal princes were beheaded

Notes are taken from the Class of Miss Iram Caleb (2021)